Slade Singles/Album U.K. Chart Positions

Do you know the position Slades singles / albums reached in the U.K. chart ?

Each question has a 15 second time and there are 10 questions, the quicker you answer questions correctly, the more points you will win, when quiz has been completed all scores will be added together giving a final score. If this quiz becomes popular, I will update it regular and display the previous quiz's top 3 names.

Can you get in the top 10 names or even be the Slade champs and win gold, silver or bronze place ?

Good luck every one !!

Position Participant
1Slade Kelly30,128
5Alan Cockayne29,833
6Bugs Bunny28,927
7john Gibbings28,724
8Shaun Pont15,651
9Gerald Knight10,156