Passing Paramedic School to Become a Certified Paramedic

Paramedics are among those occupations that are in the frontline of treatment when there are emergency cases such as minor wounds, accidents, violence, fire incidents, and other emergency scenarios. They are highly trained individuals and are considered as one of the health professions that promote safety and are always the first on the scene. They are the among the first ones to respond when calls come in through a medical alert systems, of which Bay Alarm Medical is tops in elderly care.

Being a paramedic doesn't happen overnight. It takes time to study and learn all the necessary skills from basic to complex health-related information needed to be a professional paramedic. Same as other professions, paramedics start out with the basics, which is attending a paramedic school or college that has valid accreditation.

Before becoming a professional paramedic, there are certain paramedic programs that must be met. These are the following:

EMT Basic Program

EMT (emergency medical technicians) is the first level of the program that entails the basic and important training series to become a professional paramedic. This program introduces basic information and basic training for paramedic students to be aware of the proper management of respiratory issues, proper assessment of patients, cardiac management during emergencies and training in handling trauma patients. This is why it's easier to become a doctor if you've had this training.

The EMT Basic Program

This includes health-related topics that are common during emergencies. These topics are particularly airway obstruction, cardiac arrest, fractures and bleeding. One of the requirements in becoming a Basic EMT is for students to be exposed to training in different hospital emergency departments or in the ambulance. The best way to step closer to becoming a paramedic is for the EMT student to pass the test required by EMT basic programs.

EMT Intermediate Program

The next step before becoming a certified paramedic is to enroll in the EMT Intermediate Program. This second level of a paramedic school program offers training for students to get acquainted in administering medications, airway devices and intravenous fluids. Based on the basic requirements of the course, a student must complete the duration of the training ranging between 30 to 350 hours depending on the school requirements. This helps a student to broaden their knowledge and skills especially during emergency cases.

Paramedic Program

The Paramedic Program is the final training program for students who want to become a certified paramedic. Although, a student can be a certified EMT after finishing the two level programs such as the EMT Basic and EMT Intermediate Program and can start working on different health departments. For those people who have a bigger dream, after finishing the two prerequisite programs, one can also proceed to the Paramedic Program. This level facilitates proper training and mastering of all the health procedures and management needed during emergencies. Thus, paramedic programs include topics such as legality or rights of patients, advanced first-aid procedures and anatomy and physiology.

In addition, a certified EMT holder can proceed and become a certified paramedic at the same time. Better yet, he could take further studies to be a doctor.

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