What are flipped classrooms? Definition, meaning and everything you need to know!

What are flipped classrooms? In the traditional model the teacher stands between the students and the knowledge. With the flipped classroom, students have direct access to the knowledge and the teacher serves as a coach and mentor. With the flipped classroom model, students have to prepare their contact moments. During contact moments teachers are able to zoom in on the application and deeper processing of the learning material. Now you know the definition and meaning of flipped classrooms, let's take a look why you should flip the classroom.

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Why flip the classroom?

Interaction is a key element when flipping the classroom. Students have prepared their homework and already have basic knowledge about the subject. During class time, it's possible to dive deeper into the learning material and ask questions. As a teacher you get to know what kind of difficulties students are dealing with and where to focus on. Furthermore, the teacher can offer more challenges for students who easily cope with the learning material. The other way around, the teacher is able to offer other students more help when needed :-)

How to flip the classroom?

The main thing is that students have to play an active role in preparing their homework. If they don't, they get easily distracted. It's like driving a car without knowing the rules, conclusion: a disaster. You have to motivate your students to prepare their homework. The homework teachers give their students has to be clear, it's has to be understandable for everybody! The teacher can create a video of themselves in which they explain a certain subject. Share this with the students. At last, teacher are able to help students according to their needs. In short terms, more efficient and effective completion of the contact time.

Flipped classroom and our LMS

Building courses, creating quizzes, making assessments and creating exams. Our tool is very user-friendly and has a lot of options to make it as personalized as possible. You can create your own content. Students can follow courses where teachers put on homework students have to prepare. As a teacher you are able to track the progress of students and view their results. This makes it possible to have a clear idea of what the struggles are of your students and see what students struggle the most.

Read more about the advantages and disadvantages of flipped classrooms.

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